This problem is similar to Missing Ranges and easier than that one.
The idea is to use two pointers to find the beginning and end of a range and then push it into the result.
The code is as follows, which should be self-explanatory.
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 vectorsummaryRanges(vector & nums) { 4 vector ranges; 5 int left, right, n = nums.size(); 6 for (left = 0; left < n; left = right + 1) { 7 right = left; 8 while (right + 1 < n && nums[right] + 1 == nums[right + 1]) 9 right++;10 ranges.push_back(getRanges(nums[left], nums[right]));11 }12 return ranges;13 }14 private:15 string getRanges(int low, int up) {16 return (low == up) ? to_string(low) : to_string(low) + "->" + to_string(up);17 }18 };